beauty day

Posted by Unknown on 9:42 PM
hellow y'all!!whatcha doing?!lol!!

anywhale,i am getting pretty busy these past few months.i have a hectic schedule and i barely have time for myself between work and univ,i also have the final report which i reaaly need to start work on it but my lazy ass won't let me.

as the tittle told you maybe this isn't the post for you guys out there,so  i recommend to stop reading this and play your xbox,ps3 nintendo etc.or just go hangout party!!or woohooing!!lol!!!

so for the girls out there,who are single mother or careerwomen or just an university student who is also working and have a pretty tight schedule.i recommend you to just take one day or a couple of hours off of a week and just relax and do what you want to do.

so between my busy schedule i take one day off and called it the "beauty day"
basically i just take care of my hair,nails,body and do some facial which are pretty damaged from all the stress.this is the things that i do for myself and hope that this will also help you women out there.

hair : have you ever read or heard of the wonderful and magical use of olive oil??olive oil has nearly the same contain as the oil we produce from our scalp.so i really recommend for those who have really dry or damaged hair to use olive oil as a deep conditioner.
what you want to do is to heat up olive oil in a cup (not too hot though,you don't wanna fry your hair)put your finger in it, test it if it's not too hot and just put it on your hair.concentrate at the end of your hair (that has lots of damage)put a shower cap on and just go to the shower.
what i do is i wait for a few minutes while doing other things like brushing my teeth or wash my body do some body scrub or shave.after few minutes i take the shower cap off and just shampoo my scalp and no need for other conditioner,your hair will come out smooth and shiny!!

facial : what i really like to do is cleanse my face (obviously) and remove all dead skins with some face peeling.after rubbing all the dead cell and my skin will be as new as a baby butt .i mosturize it with a mask (anymask will do) leave it for 20 minutes and take it off!!do not leave it longer than that. you may think the more longer you leave it the better.but nope!!

body:after a long shower or a bath your skins are hungry.put on some body cream that has vitamin E (which is good for scaring and stretch marks) and also some sunscreen atleast spf 30+ depend on where do you live and how strong is the sun.

nail:first of all, grab some hand cream and put it on,i bet your hands need to be mosturized after a long and dry day.put some of your favorite nail polish and do the art,or if you wanna go simple just put some of the shiny nail polish.
don't forget about your cuticles that has been severed by all your daily actions.as i said before, olive oil do wonders not only to your hair but also to your cuticle.use a cotton but,put some olive oil on your cutticle.

lips: if you have dry lips,do not worry i have tips for you.grab honey and mix it with sugar (for normal lips) or salt (for dry lips) mix it together and rub it on your lips!!you want to rub off all those dead skin and the honey will act as a mosturizer on your lips.
after doing so, cleanse it and put lots of petronum jelly or vaseline in your lips.you may not want to peel the skins off every day as it will damage your lips but put vaseline everytime you are going out and go to bed.

finally i recomeend you to relax watch some movies and drink some herbal tea (i recommend you spearmint tea) to reduce the testosterone (male hormone) level.

if you have questions just ask me in the pink box on the right and i will answer it the best that i can

hope you have a wonderful beauty day and for you who are living in Japan hope you have a great golden week.and good day to you.

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