
Posted by Unknown on 11:17 PM
helloooow y'all!!how y'all doing??lol!

i procrastinate a loooott!!!whenever there is something that i need to do,i ignore them all and just do what i want to do!!like what i am doing right now,i have lots of homework to do but here i am writing a  post on my blog!!

I realised that i tend to procrastinate a lot during the weekend.my body and mind are tired after a verry tiring and loong weekday and i just want to do nothing when weekend comes.once, i tried to erase this bad habit by writing a list of things to do on the weekend.
-clean my messy room
-clean the messy kitchen
-clean the toilet
-do homework
-study for the final report
-buy food

i deprived my self of any technology gadget and whatsoever which will disturb my perfect plan.but here is what i really do every weekend.

i literally sleep like a hibernating bear.i sleep through all the day and when i wake up at night i open my computer and spent hours and hours looking through memes!!i am being productive alright!!
and when i am sleepy from looking at all the memes that i could find i sleep again until it's fucking monday again!!!

i wonder why did they make the weekend only two days and the weekdays 5 days?!that isn't fair.and when i asked my sister she answered that if weekends have more days than weekdays than everything will go to bankrupt!
well i would like to disagree with it!if we add one more day to the weekend wouldn't that make the flow of money even faster?!especially in Japan where everyone tend to keep their money and not spending it??

we should add one more day to the weekend!!who agrees with me??!

hope you all have a nice day eventhought it's not the weekend.and don't forget to stop procrastinate

ps:really need to stop using my laptop


long distance relationship

Posted by Unknown on 3:18 AM
I have been in another country for 2 weeks for a vacation,that is why i couldn't post anything.sorryyy (not that anyone care)
it was very fun overall!
anyhow today i won't write about my vacataion because of certain issues.but instead, i will write about LDR (long distance relationship )

like hundreds of couple over the world, I am right now in a long distance relationship with my bf.I am in Japan and he is in Indonesia, the distance between us is 3593.14 miles,.
can you imagine how expensive and how long it is to fly there.i won't care how long it is but it is pretty expensive for a university student who is working her ass off for a living.regarding the price and my low income I can only go back to my hometown once a year!!

i am in my 4th year right now and i just need one more year to finish my study and go back to my beloved arms.but still it is soooo hard.I don't wanna wait for a year!!i wanna hold him right here right now!!fuck!!!
i am in a state that i can't sleep because i miss him so baadd!and my apetite is kinda getting worse now!
actually it is not him that i miss, but it is the time that i am with him that i miss sooo bad!!talking with him through skype is really helping me but it is not enough!!

when someone asks me "then what do you want?"
i would answer "i want money to rain on my bed so i can use it to fly to jakarta!!or better!!i want a door that goes everywhere or i want a superpower that allows me to instantly move in a blink of an eye!and i will use them not only to meet my bf but also to be fucking riiiiicchhh!!!MWAHAHHAHAA (evil laugh)

but let's stay and think positive shall we?just kidding!!!
i searched on the net the benefit of having a LDR and I really like to argue with it.
so here it is:
-freedom = yes of course you will have times for you alone to do your hobbies etc.but hey?!let's be real!if you do what you like with the person you love doesn't that make you twice happier??!!

-you will not be the kind of persone who is "relationship over friendship" =
hell no!!!don't make relationship as an excuse!!you can just introduce your lover to your friend and just hangout together!!simple!!!

-the overwhelming feeling of a first hug= okay,.i agree that i am overflowed with happiness the time when i met him after a long time.but hey!!in exchange of that you had months or years of solitude and heartbreaks for missing someone

-your relationship is stronger because you know that your lover is willing to have an LDR= okay so what if your lover is a player and is going out with another girl while your away??of course the player is willing to have an LDR baby??!

-no risks of pregnancy =
hmm,.,i can't argue with this

well..LDR is a test to couples on how much they love each other and their commitment.and because i really love him verry verry much and I am serious about him i will wait patiently for a year to meet him again my beloved who really deserve this.and i hope this will be the last time and may the next time we will meet face to face i would be a much stronger,beautiful and a grown woman.

good day and be strong all those who are in a LDR

ps; if he read this i think i'm gona die from embarrassement

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