pair accesories

Posted by Unknown on 9:13 PM
hellooow everybodeehhh!!!hope you had a great holiday and it's time for you all to get your ass up and getback to your fucking daily routine again!!bwahahahaha(evil laugh)

anyway, back in high school i went to disney land and eventually shopped at the disney store for souvenir and stuff.and then, i saw  mannyyyy pair accesories for couples.there were phone's straps,necklace rings etc.unfortunately i don't have a partner at that time to share this wonderful pair accesories.
the next day at school i saw a guy friend of mine who bought those pair phone straps that i saw yesterday (a mickey and minnie strap,i know it's cute) and put both of them on his cellphone!!lmao!!!he was single and knew that it was meant for couples.the most shocking thing is, that those straps aren't cheap!!they are like 2000 yen(20$) !!it's an expensive price to pay for a mere highschooler!!!lol!!!!

now that i have someone to give those wonderful pair accesories i am now confused on what to give.

a ring is impossible because even if i know he's ring size it would be best if i buy it with him!and since it's impossible, a ring is a no no (plus why is it so fucking expeeeeennnsiiiiivvee!!!)

i looked up for necklace and there were some of them who caught my eye,and they were in my wallet range.But in my country a guy who were necklace is a bit hmmm.,.they will be looked either gay or narcistic,so it's a no no. plus yesterday i just asked him what would happen if i gave him a necklace and he was like "okay i can put it in the car's wheel miror thingy" wtf?!?!?!if he doesn't want to just say so darling.love you!!

a phone strap is okay.but it doesn't look intimate and romantic since it is put on a phone.i want him to wear it!!
this left me with bracelet.i looked up on it on the internet and they were expensive!the price is over 10000 yen(100$) which i can afford it but that seems silly!
and then i was wondering.what if i made it myself?!?!?!hell yeah!!!i can just make it myself!!it will be original,i can choose the color and stuff plus i bet he will be happy since it is hand made and it's only just one over the world!!fuck yeah!!!!
and here i am confused on what color should i make?!the same color?!or different?!
so i want to ask guys out there especially indonesian. what would you think of a guy wearing a necklace (since it is the first thing that i want to buy)
and for girls,should i make the bracelet's color different or matching?!
i reaaaallly would appreeciate anyone who answer my questions on the chatbox on the right of this page.

please help meeeee T_T


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