my imperfection

Posted by Unknown on 9:27 AM
so raise your glass if you are wrong in all the right way,all my underdorgs!!!we will never be never be!!!

like they said, human are not perfect and we are full of imperfection.don't let me start about my outlook imperfections, i have tons and tons of them!and i'll be happy to list it if you want me to.

anyway,right now i am going to talk about my personallity imperfection and the most bad part that i don't like about my self.And yes!i do realise whenever i do or say it, but to fix it,.hmmm...nah.not that simple..and no!!this isn't a post for you all to feel simpathy or to make me feel better about myself.
the reason i do this is because i just want to write it.simple isn't it??why make things complicated???

so,i confess, i am a fucking egoist person.
whenever something went wrong i always blame it on someonelse!why?? because it is much much more easier to blame on someone than on myself.and if someonse is blaming me, i blame them back!hah!!!take that!!
for example: i forgot to turn the heater off before i went out and when i get back, my sister was like
"you didn't turn the ac off!!now the bills is going to get expensive"
and i'll be like "you didn't remind me"
lol wtf???she wasn't even there and it was all my fault!!but i will never ever accept and say to her that it was my bad!!!!lol

i am also a very stubborn person, i will always stand up on my own opinion.i will listen to you all of course!!i will listen!but i will just listen to you.i'll be nodding but still i'll be thinking "hmmm,.,that's right but naah~"lol!!!and i will do anything in my power to make you think otherwise.why??because i loove debating!!it is soo boring if you all have the same oppinion as mine!!i wanted to be a lawyer when i was in high school so much that i love debating.

i am also a very serious person that i can't even differentiate between jokes or not.even if you laugh afterward i will take it seriously!!and i am kind of the annoying person whom for example if we are in the same group studies or presentation i will become sort of the leader to the group (even if no one agrees to it)and will kick your ass to make a perfect presentation!!that's how obsessed i am!!

whenever i want something i will do anything in my power to get it!!and whenever i want to do something i will do it like snap!!right away!and i will do it all night long if i need to!!until i finish this i probably cannot sleep!!

i am a very good liar!well sometimes my familly get through my lies but when my mind is made and i concentrate on the lies!!i will do many things for that lie to not be caught.i will imagine what would happen and do many things to deceive them.lies need commitment.

like i said in my previous post.i envy everyone that i know and i will probably continue to do so.

i am lazy as hell!!i can do nothing for the day,and just be on my bed with my laptop.heaven~

isn't it much easier to just embrace and accept your imperfection and just live with it?!?and if you wanna change to a better personnality than i will surely support you!!

guess that'a about it then.tell me guys about what you don't like about yourself in the right pink chatbox.it would be really appreciated

happy birthday to my childhood bestfriend!!happy birthday!!

happy 20th ceremony!!for everyone who is turning 20th in japan!hope you had a blast one eventhough it's raining snow!!

have a good day and may you all keep being imperfection bad ass guys!!


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