
Posted by Unknown on 2:41 AM
hellow girlfriends and guyfriends!!lit's been a while since my last post because i was busy with reports,presentations and exams,.fuih!guess exams are near for you too or maybe you are having exams right now??
anyway,with my experiences as a 21 years old girl who had about 14 years of exams since elementary school, i am today going to write about what to do or what i wished to do when i had exams,the obvious answer would be to study study study,but what else???what else to do or not to do??

-have a good balance between study and sleep,this is a mistake that i do a lot!and many people does it that i think isn't right.many people (including me) studies all night long before an exam.I know that many people like me who prefer to study at night because you are a night person and can concentrate more on your study at night.
this isn't good why??because the day after, yes you would have studied and be more prepared for the exams but you would lose your concentration because of lack of sleep.and even if you do the first exam great because you studied and you don't feel tired or anything,but what would happen to the other exams later on the day?or the day after?i find it different when i studied all night long and when i sleep at night and studied the morning of the day before!or on that morning!
i do not recommend to study all night!

-do not work part time!!especially the day before exams,take a week off if you have to,eventhough you think you can still work and do the exams.do not work.as you all may know working is very tiring and you will get tired on the day of your exams.

-do not drink red bulls,monster,rock star and the like!!do not drink energy drink!!yes you will have the energy boost that you want but what happens next in your second exams?! yes!!you will be drop dead tired!!if you still want the energy boost without being tired how about a black coffee?!or a slap on the face

-another mistake that i do a lot is when i studied for a long hours and then when i thought that i need a rest i tend to open my laptop and browse,or watch tv or play games.do not do those thing above!!what happens next is i will play for a much more longer hours than the hours that i studied eventhough i promised myself to rest for an hour!!this is habit that is difficult to erase since the last time i did was yesterday!lol!!on the day of the exams the only thing that i was thinking was "damn!!that fucking boss was so hard!!"

-when you already studied and when you go the exams start and you received the paper which has questions that you didn't studied or you have no idea what the answer is.just cheat!!lol!!!who wants to take another year??neither you and your techer do?!!use your iphone's google under your desk,look to your front or besides friends paper,make a cheat sheet and glue it to your coca cola drink.but be reeeeallly careful not to get caught.

hope you all have a good day doing your exams,,be carefull not to get sick and tired,good luck on cheating


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