fucking old lady

Posted by Unknown on 6:57 PM
hellow love~~how was your valentine??did you get presents??did you gave presents to someone special?or did you spent it alone? did you spent it watching tv all day and curse every couple that you saw like i did??!lol!

just kiding,i didn't watch tv all day,i was working, but i did curse and swear to all the couples that i saw.fuck you all!!!!!!

speaking of work i am today going to talk about my work,i am an university student that is working part time job in a convinience store.what do i do?simple!!i do cashier,put stuff in the thingy,throw away foods that are about to expire,throw trash,count money etc.

my part time is simple but needs lots of energy because it is located near the station it is fuuuckinggg crowded!!!i need to run back and forth from the cashier to anything that i am doing.
in Japan,there are more older people than young people,and when i mean about older i mean it!!there are more of grandma's and grandpa's that i think is more than 100 years old.and they are all healthy!!!!they can shop at the super market,buy lots of thing and still can take it home alone!!!what the fuck???how can they do that??
anyway,there are two types of older people in japan!!one is the type who are veerrryyy verrryyy nice,and the other type is the opposite who are verrry verrrryy meaann!!!there is no one who is in the middle!!
and when they are mean they are verryy verry annoying wha't s with their problem???i once talked about it to my japanese friend,and she said that it's normal because old people tend to live alone and get crazy!!
back to the topic,one day i was working on the cashier and it became very crowded,an old woman came to me and she wanted a receipt for one pack of milk!!just one!!!what is that fucking for??

in Japan there are two types of receipt one is the normal one that i am sure you have at least one in your wallet,and there is another one that you need if you want to get reimbursed by your company.Let's call this reimburse receipt.

so,in the reimburse receipt i (the cashier) need to write your company's name or the client's name in it.so i asked the woman to write her name in a small paper.she wrote it but i couldn't read it!!!!fuck!!so i panicked because i couldn't read her name in kanji!!so i just write kanjis that are similar to what i see but i was wrong,and theeeennn she started to be mad at me because i couldn't write her name.she was like "OMG,why can't you write this simple name?!!i can't believe young people this days cannot write or read!!i cannot use this!!are you even japanese?!!i can't believe this!call another employe!!call your manager!!!" she started yelling at me with a very loud voice,and there were people waiting behind!!fuck you old lady!!!!
i have a name tag in my uniform and anyone that can READ!!!can read that my name ain't no Japanese!!!fuck you!!!!!and what's up with cannot write fucking kanji!!it's your name that has complicated kanji.and your writing looks like an elementary school's!!

so i said to her that i am not a japanese many times,but maybe out of shame she decided to ignore me and still yelled at me!!FUCK YOU!!!!what is your problem??!!can you write romaji??can you read english???or indonesian???or french!!!cause i doo!!so shut the fuck up!!!
and i can perfectly read and write kanji but names!!!names are too complicated and difficult even for japanese themselves.

i started to think that it was all pointless and the fucking old lady was just mad and you seriously need help old lady!!!hope you die a painful and lonely one!!!

i gave her a blank reimburse receipt so she can write her fucking name alone!!fuck you!!

need hot chocolate to calm myself from all these negatives feeling and all these swearing!!

i guess that disney movies were right!!old and ugly lady are fucking eeevvviiill!!!

for those who are in japan or is about to come to japan becareful with old ladies,they seems nice but  they bite with fake teeth!!!!

hope you all have a good day working,


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