a series of unfortunate events with phones

Posted by Unknown on 12:12 AM
hellow pretty faces,and handsome faces. february went by like a flash and here we are welcoming march!!yay!!my fav months of the year!!i've been waiting for you forever!!woohooo!!!

anywhale, today i am going to talk about cellphone or handphone.what's the difference??i'll just use phone.

so ever since I was born i don't know why or how, i have this verry bad luck karma with phones!!it's like the whole universe disagree with me having a phone!!fuck!!

the first time my dad brought me a phone was on my 5th grade of elementary school in France.I didn't brag much about my phone and the only ones who knew i had it were only my close friend (it was verry rare for an elementary school to have a phone at that time).i believe it was a nokia which series i forgot,but it was the newest series at that time.even my father had the old one.

so when school finished i walk to our school gate and my mom phoned me.that's when i remembered that i had a phone (really, you shouldn't give an elemantary schooler a phone)
when i tried to pick up,an older guy which goes to the same school,(obviously) snatch my phone from my hand and ran away!!
out of reflex i ran after him in panic hoping to catch the fucking bastard and take my home back.But i ran out of breath and when i couldn't see the fucking thief no more, i turn back, and there were dozen of  guys that i don't even know who goes to the same elementary school as i do,ran towards me and to the street that the thief went!!they were all trying to catch the thief!!lol!!!amazing!!but unfortunately none of them did,and i never had my phone back.

the next one was on my highschool in indonesia,i had not the newest but it was close to the newest nokia series which i loved so much.if you know indonesia,the public transportation is fucking HORRIBLE!!I thought it would be so lame to be picked up everyday when i am already in highschool!!i am already big enough to take on those horibble public transportation.It's been a long time after i get used to go home by myself,and yet naive as i am, i put my phone on my skirt pocket and when i get of off the mini bus there were no more!!fuck!!!it's been stolen and i didn't even sensed it a bit!!he's good.

next experiences was a NIGHTMARE!!i sometimes dream how terrifying that was,and i still traumatized about it. what happened was, when my sister land me her phone not long before my phone was stolen, stupid as i am, i still went home with a public transportation,it was neither dark or night,it was in the fucking afternoon when i got robbed!!yup!!!
on the mini bus was only me and a guy, he approched me with a knife in his hand and i was "FUCK!!!I AM GETTING RAPED" out of panic i didn't scream not cry not do anything i was confused didn't know what to do,so i just gave him my bag,he searched through my bags,but i am a fucking highschooler!!i have no job!!no allowance and i'm broke you mother fucker!!!so he just took my phone and went away.I went home crying,because i was fucking scared and glad he didn't do anything with me!!hope you die your mother fucker thief!!!oh and by the way, thank you for sparing my life.

i have also other unfortunate events regarding my phone,but because i notice this is getting too long and too dark,gonna write it next time!!
Good day and watch out for your phones


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