True love

Posted by Unknown on 6:37 PM
Lesson learned today.

True love is when you love someone and saying so isn't enough

I just got engaged and will marry next year on january.so excited and yet so anxious about everything.kya!!
so in South Asia,we tend to marry younger  (I just turn 25 btw). It is our believe that its better to marry earlier to avoid pregnancy before marriage and sex.So here I am, engaged to my boyfriend because my parents pushed me to do so.
 I've been working for two years, my salary is not bad and i can pay my own expenses just fine, heck i can probably pay living expenses for two.

But I often wonder, is it the right time?Am I ready? Should I?Are we going to be alright?

When I told him about my insecurities, He feels the same.

kind of a relieved and just realised that I am not going through this on my own.
Maybe  this is what marriage feels like, Worrying the same thing, going through the same problems, searching for solutions together, speaking and listening,respect each other, love each other.

With him, I think I can go through this


the girl your girl could blog like

Posted by Unknown on 12:19 AM
hellow man~look at your girl, now back to me,now back at your girl,now back to me,sadly she isn't me,but if she stop writing her own blog and look at mine,she could write like me.
look down,back up,where are you?you're in one of the most interesting blog,scrolling through my posts.
what's in your head?back to me.i have it, lots of post with lots of views.look again, the post are now updated.anything is possible with blogger.i'm on a cat.


lol.really wanted to do that one!!

okay now ladies,don't drop your pants off yet.I AM BACK!!with stories that will amaze you to no end.lol!!
so who misses me??i know you do.don't be shy~no?okay~><

so..hellow y'all i have been verry busy these past months because i am now a senior!!hoooraaayy!!yup this is my last half month in my univ.and i am now writing my thesis.yup it sucks dog balls.
as you may know or not know i'm in japan and my thesis is in japanese.yup fuck that!!i need to write 12000 kanji.fuck!!
aaannnddd you know what.GTA5 and pokemon XY had to be released this fucking summer!!!!nooooooo!!!!!!
now i have to stop writing my thesis and play them for awhile.thank you rockstar and nintendo!!you succesfully done your job!!bravo!!

so for you awesome guys and girls who are busy writing their thesis and instead procrastinate looking blogs.i feel you man!i know girl~
and do your best.let the hunger games begin!!

hope you have a good day either are you procrastinating or you are really doing your job.


beauty day

Posted by Unknown on 9:42 PM
hellow y'all!!whatcha doing?!lol!!

anywhale,i am getting pretty busy these past few months.i have a hectic schedule and i barely have time for myself between work and univ,i also have the final report which i reaaly need to start work on it but my lazy ass won't let me.

as the tittle told you maybe this isn't the post for you guys out there,so  i recommend to stop reading this and play your xbox,ps3 nintendo etc.or just go hangout party!!or woohooing!!lol!!!

so for the girls out there,who are single mother or careerwomen or just an university student who is also working and have a pretty tight schedule.i recommend you to just take one day or a couple of hours off of a week and just relax and do what you want to do.

so between my busy schedule i take one day off and called it the "beauty day"
basically i just take care of my hair,nails,body and do some facial which are pretty damaged from all the stress.this is the things that i do for myself and hope that this will also help you women out there.

hair : have you ever read or heard of the wonderful and magical use of olive oil??olive oil has nearly the same contain as the oil we produce from our scalp.so i really recommend for those who have really dry or damaged hair to use olive oil as a deep conditioner.
what you want to do is to heat up olive oil in a cup (not too hot though,you don't wanna fry your hair)put your finger in it, test it if it's not too hot and just put it on your hair.concentrate at the end of your hair (that has lots of damage)put a shower cap on and just go to the shower.
what i do is i wait for a few minutes while doing other things like brushing my teeth or wash my body do some body scrub or shave.after few minutes i take the shower cap off and just shampoo my scalp and no need for other conditioner,your hair will come out smooth and shiny!!

facial : what i really like to do is cleanse my face (obviously) and remove all dead skins with some face peeling.after rubbing all the dead cell and my skin will be as new as a baby butt .i mosturize it with a mask (anymask will do) leave it for 20 minutes and take it off!!do not leave it longer than that. you may think the more longer you leave it the better.but nope!!

body:after a long shower or a bath your skins are hungry.put on some body cream that has vitamin E (which is good for scaring and stretch marks) and also some sunscreen atleast spf 30+ depend on where do you live and how strong is the sun.

nail:first of all, grab some hand cream and put it on,i bet your hands need to be mosturized after a long and dry day.put some of your favorite nail polish and do the art,or if you wanna go simple just put some of the shiny nail polish.
don't forget about your cuticles that has been severed by all your daily actions.as i said before, olive oil do wonders not only to your hair but also to your cuticle.use a cotton but,put some olive oil on your cutticle.

lips: if you have dry lips,do not worry i have tips for you.grab honey and mix it with sugar (for normal lips) or salt (for dry lips) mix it together and rub it on your lips!!you want to rub off all those dead skin and the honey will act as a mosturizer on your lips.
after doing so, cleanse it and put lots of petronum jelly or vaseline in your lips.you may not want to peel the skins off every day as it will damage your lips but put vaseline everytime you are going out and go to bed.

finally i recomeend you to relax watch some movies and drink some herbal tea (i recommend you spearmint tea) to reduce the testosterone (male hormone) level.

if you have questions just ask me in the pink box on the right and i will answer it the best that i can

hope you have a wonderful beauty day and for you who are living in Japan hope you have a great golden week.and good day to you.



Posted by Unknown on 11:17 PM
helloooow y'all!!how y'all doing??lol!

i procrastinate a loooott!!!whenever there is something that i need to do,i ignore them all and just do what i want to do!!like what i am doing right now,i have lots of homework to do but here i am writing a  post on my blog!!

I realised that i tend to procrastinate a lot during the weekend.my body and mind are tired after a verry tiring and loong weekday and i just want to do nothing when weekend comes.once, i tried to erase this bad habit by writing a list of things to do on the weekend.
-clean my messy room
-clean the messy kitchen
-clean the toilet
-do homework
-study for the final report
-buy food

i deprived my self of any technology gadget and whatsoever which will disturb my perfect plan.but here is what i really do every weekend.

i literally sleep like a hibernating bear.i sleep through all the day and when i wake up at night i open my computer and spent hours and hours looking through memes!!i am being productive alright!!
and when i am sleepy from looking at all the memes that i could find i sleep again until it's fucking monday again!!!

i wonder why did they make the weekend only two days and the weekdays 5 days?!that isn't fair.and when i asked my sister she answered that if weekends have more days than weekdays than everything will go to bankrupt!
well i would like to disagree with it!if we add one more day to the weekend wouldn't that make the flow of money even faster?!especially in Japan where everyone tend to keep their money and not spending it??

we should add one more day to the weekend!!who agrees with me??!

hope you all have a nice day eventhought it's not the weekend.and don't forget to stop procrastinate

ps:really need to stop using my laptop


long distance relationship

Posted by Unknown on 3:18 AM
I have been in another country for 2 weeks for a vacation,that is why i couldn't post anything.sorryyy (not that anyone care)
it was very fun overall!
anyhow today i won't write about my vacataion because of certain issues.but instead, i will write about LDR (long distance relationship )

like hundreds of couple over the world, I am right now in a long distance relationship with my bf.I am in Japan and he is in Indonesia, the distance between us is 3593.14 miles,.
can you imagine how expensive and how long it is to fly there.i won't care how long it is but it is pretty expensive for a university student who is working her ass off for a living.regarding the price and my low income I can only go back to my hometown once a year!!

i am in my 4th year right now and i just need one more year to finish my study and go back to my beloved arms.but still it is soooo hard.I don't wanna wait for a year!!i wanna hold him right here right now!!fuck!!!
i am in a state that i can't sleep because i miss him so baadd!and my apetite is kinda getting worse now!
actually it is not him that i miss, but it is the time that i am with him that i miss sooo bad!!talking with him through skype is really helping me but it is not enough!!

when someone asks me "then what do you want?"
i would answer "i want money to rain on my bed so i can use it to fly to jakarta!!or better!!i want a door that goes everywhere or i want a superpower that allows me to instantly move in a blink of an eye!and i will use them not only to meet my bf but also to be fucking riiiiicchhh!!!MWAHAHHAHAA (evil laugh)

but let's stay and think positive shall we?just kidding!!!
i searched on the net the benefit of having a LDR and I really like to argue with it.
so here it is:
-freedom = yes of course you will have times for you alone to do your hobbies etc.but hey?!let's be real!if you do what you like with the person you love doesn't that make you twice happier??!!

-you will not be the kind of persone who is "relationship over friendship" =
hell no!!!don't make relationship as an excuse!!you can just introduce your lover to your friend and just hangout together!!simple!!!

-the overwhelming feeling of a first hug= okay,.i agree that i am overflowed with happiness the time when i met him after a long time.but hey!!in exchange of that you had months or years of solitude and heartbreaks for missing someone

-your relationship is stronger because you know that your lover is willing to have an LDR= okay so what if your lover is a player and is going out with another girl while your away??of course the player is willing to have an LDR baby??!

-no risks of pregnancy =
hmm,.,i can't argue with this

well..LDR is a test to couples on how much they love each other and their commitment.and because i really love him verry verry much and I am serious about him i will wait patiently for a year to meet him again my beloved who really deserve this.and i hope this will be the last time and may the next time we will meet face to face i would be a much stronger,beautiful and a grown woman.

good day and be strong all those who are in a LDR

ps; if he read this i think i'm gona die from embarrassement


a series of unfortunate event with phones part 2

Posted by Unknown on 7:53 PM
previously on avatar,.,

lol just kidding!!but i really wanted to do that!!and if you are wondering,the avatar that i meant wasn't the avatar movie with blue creature that i don't know why is it so popular at the time.the one that i meant is avatar the last airbender,never heard of it??check it out!!it's an amazing cartoon animation from nickelodeon for every age.recomended for those who love kungfu,chinese martial arts,chi,and magic.

anywho,sorry for the commercial above,i am going to write again about phones,(no!!agaiinn??!!)

so,after those unfortunate events,i came to Japan and got my first phone in here from vodafone which is softbank now.The phone that i had was also the latest one.we can flip the screen and watch tv!!awesome isn't it??i know!!!lol!!!
when i was in my 2nd year of highschool we went to a field trip with all my school.we went by bus,that day and eventually went to the rest area for a pee pee.when i went to the rest room i accidently put my phone on the shelf behind the toilet aaaannnddd as you allready predicted it i left my phone on the toilet and realised it when i arrived back home!i knoowww,.i knowww,.it's all my fault.
so the next day i called the rest area information center something,and they told me that there is no phone found neither in the toilet or in the area itself.yup!!lost my phone again.

the next event, was when i am again in my second highschool,i left my phone on the bus when i was with my friends on our way to shibuya,so after i left my phone i cried to my classmate friend which was verry nice to me calming me down and he recomended me to go to the police station.at the police station he kindly wrote the paper and all dispite that the fucking police officer was ignoring us!!fuck you!!
but after all my phones robbed,lost this is the first time in my life that i was verryverry lucky!!!!yup!!i got my phone bacckk!!!!!yay!!! after a week that i left my phone on the bus, the bus company called to my house phone,and they told me that they found my phone and need to pick it up at their company!!!yaaayy!!so i asked them "how did you know that it was my phone ?oh,holy bus driver gentlement!!"
they told me that after they found it they contacted softbank (vodafone) and they told them how to contact me!!love you sir!!!!you are the best!!!!!bus driver forever!!yayyyyyy!!!!

as you think that this is all,no!!!!this isn't the end!!so i changed my phone into iphone 3g, and after 2 years i chaged it into iphone 4s!!yup!!and this is my actual phone now,
after a week of using my brand new awesome bad ass iphone, i went to the rest room with my phone in my pocket.aaannndd...yup!!it went to the toilet!!fuuuuckk!!so i panicked aaaannd,,my phone can't be started.fuck!!!and i panicked again i thought that it was the battery being low i accidently charged it!!and it was a verrrryyyy bad move!!!!!since the inside of my phone is wet and when you charge it,yup it explode!! -_-
fotunately i had it on garanty and lied to the apple guy that my phone died in the typhoon yesterday (there was really a typhoone)

so that's it!!hope that this phone would last until i want a new one

oh and if you're iphone is wet do not charge or restart it!!!grab your phone and blow dry it!!put it where there is sunlight and wait until everything is dry!!!do not charge it!!!

hope you have a good day and becareful with your phones


a series of unfortunate events with phones

Posted by Unknown on 12:12 AM
hellow pretty faces,and handsome faces. february went by like a flash and here we are welcoming march!!yay!!my fav months of the year!!i've been waiting for you forever!!woohooo!!!

anywhale, today i am going to talk about cellphone or handphone.what's the difference??i'll just use phone.

so ever since I was born i don't know why or how, i have this verry bad luck karma with phones!!it's like the whole universe disagree with me having a phone!!fuck!!

the first time my dad brought me a phone was on my 5th grade of elementary school in France.I didn't brag much about my phone and the only ones who knew i had it were only my close friend (it was verry rare for an elementary school to have a phone at that time).i believe it was a nokia which series i forgot,but it was the newest series at that time.even my father had the old one.

so when school finished i walk to our school gate and my mom phoned me.that's when i remembered that i had a phone (really, you shouldn't give an elemantary schooler a phone)
when i tried to pick up,an older guy which goes to the same school,(obviously) snatch my phone from my hand and ran away!!
out of reflex i ran after him in panic hoping to catch the fucking bastard and take my home back.But i ran out of breath and when i couldn't see the fucking thief no more, i turn back, and there were dozen of  guys that i don't even know who goes to the same elementary school as i do,ran towards me and to the street that the thief went!!they were all trying to catch the thief!!lol!!!amazing!!but unfortunately none of them did,and i never had my phone back.

the next one was on my highschool in indonesia,i had not the newest but it was close to the newest nokia series which i loved so much.if you know indonesia,the public transportation is fucking HORRIBLE!!I thought it would be so lame to be picked up everyday when i am already in highschool!!i am already big enough to take on those horibble public transportation.It's been a long time after i get used to go home by myself,and yet naive as i am, i put my phone on my skirt pocket and when i get of off the mini bus there were no more!!fuck!!!it's been stolen and i didn't even sensed it a bit!!he's good.

next experiences was a NIGHTMARE!!i sometimes dream how terrifying that was,and i still traumatized about it. what happened was, when my sister land me her phone not long before my phone was stolen, stupid as i am, i still went home with a public transportation,it was neither dark or night,it was in the fucking afternoon when i got robbed!!yup!!!
on the mini bus was only me and a guy, he approched me with a knife in his hand and i was "FUCK!!!I AM GETTING RAPED" out of panic i didn't scream not cry not do anything i was confused didn't know what to do,so i just gave him my bag,he searched through my bags,but i am a fucking highschooler!!i have no job!!no allowance and i'm broke you mother fucker!!!so he just took my phone and went away.I went home crying,because i was fucking scared and glad he didn't do anything with me!!hope you die your mother fucker thief!!!oh and by the way, thank you for sparing my life.

i have also other unfortunate events regarding my phone,but because i notice this is getting too long and too dark,gonna write it next time!!
Good day and watch out for your phones

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