fucking old lady

Posted by Unknown on 6:57 PM
hellow love~~how was your valentine??did you get presents??did you gave presents to someone special?or did you spent it alone? did you spent it watching tv all day and curse every couple that you saw like i did??!lol!

just kiding,i didn't watch tv all day,i was working, but i did curse and swear to all the couples that i saw.fuck you all!!!!!!

speaking of work i am today going to talk about my work,i am an university student that is working part time job in a convinience store.what do i do?simple!!i do cashier,put stuff in the thingy,throw away foods that are about to expire,throw trash,count money etc.

my part time is simple but needs lots of energy because it is located near the station it is fuuuckinggg crowded!!!i need to run back and forth from the cashier to anything that i am doing.
in Japan,there are more older people than young people,and when i mean about older i mean it!!there are more of grandma's and grandpa's that i think is more than 100 years old.and they are all healthy!!!!they can shop at the super market,buy lots of thing and still can take it home alone!!!what the fuck???how can they do that??
anyway,there are two types of older people in japan!!one is the type who are veerrryyy verrryyy nice,and the other type is the opposite who are verrry verrrryy meaann!!!there is no one who is in the middle!!
and when they are mean they are verryy verry annoying wha't s with their problem???i once talked about it to my japanese friend,and she said that it's normal because old people tend to live alone and get crazy!!
back to the topic,one day i was working on the cashier and it became very crowded,an old woman came to me and she wanted a receipt for one pack of milk!!just one!!!what is that fucking for??

in Japan there are two types of receipt one is the normal one that i am sure you have at least one in your wallet,and there is another one that you need if you want to get reimbursed by your company.Let's call this reimburse receipt.

so,in the reimburse receipt i (the cashier) need to write your company's name or the client's name in it.so i asked the woman to write her name in a small paper.she wrote it but i couldn't read it!!!!fuck!!so i panicked because i couldn't read her name in kanji!!so i just write kanjis that are similar to what i see but i was wrong,and theeeennn she started to be mad at me because i couldn't write her name.she was like "OMG,why can't you write this simple name?!!i can't believe young people this days cannot write or read!!i cannot use this!!are you even japanese?!!i can't believe this!call another employe!!call your manager!!!" she started yelling at me with a very loud voice,and there were people waiting behind!!fuck you old lady!!!!
i have a name tag in my uniform and anyone that can READ!!!can read that my name ain't no Japanese!!!fuck you!!!!!and what's up with cannot write fucking kanji!!it's your name that has complicated kanji.and your writing looks like an elementary school's!!

so i said to her that i am not a japanese many times,but maybe out of shame she decided to ignore me and still yelled at me!!FUCK YOU!!!!what is your problem??!!can you write romaji??can you read english???or indonesian???or french!!!cause i doo!!so shut the fuck up!!!
and i can perfectly read and write kanji but names!!!names are too complicated and difficult even for japanese themselves.

i started to think that it was all pointless and the fucking old lady was just mad and you seriously need help old lady!!!hope you die a painful and lonely one!!!

i gave her a blank reimburse receipt so she can write her fucking name alone!!fuck you!!

need hot chocolate to calm myself from all these negatives feeling and all these swearing!!

i guess that disney movies were right!!old and ugly lady are fucking eeevvviiill!!!

for those who are in japan or is about to come to japan becareful with old ladies,they seems nice but  they bite with fake teeth!!!!

hope you all have a good day working,



Posted by Unknown on 4:59 AM
helllooow cupid face!!!halloween,christhmass,new year,chinese new year,and what comes after that is valentine's day!!woohooo~ the only one thing that i know so far from this big events is that western countries like USA and the likes are celebrating this lovely event differently than in Asia.in America,guys are the one who gives presents,flower,chocolate,a puppy(?)for their beloved ones. But in Asia I don't know why,the girls are the ones who give only chocolate to their brother,guyfriend.boyfriend.someone who they like,father etc.

In Japan, they are especially very aware of the valentine's day as it is a big day to confess and give chocolate to someone that they like,or they boyfriend.there are two types of valentine chocolate in Japan.
-the first one is giri chocolate = the one that you just buy at the store.and normally girls just gives this chocolate to anyone that they consider as a "friend" and no more
and then,comes the handmade chocolate= this is for their boyfriend or a guy in the familly as it is hand made,and it is more valued than the giri chocolate (obviously)lol!!

anyhow!regarding this topic i want to talk to you guys about the valentine's that i had before.my first one was on the second year of junior high (i think)and I gave my bf a bought chocolate that has almond in it and then he repaid me on the white day a chocolate (i know it is wrong)I still have the package from the chocolate back then!!lol!forgot to throw it away.

my second one was on my first late year of highschool.Me and my friend went to the supermarket to buy the ingredient and then made chocolate cookies on my friend's house.it was deliiiicciiouuss!!!we put rum in it and put lots and lots of effort making it, it was fun!!it was more fun making it than giving it lol!!!and then on valentine's day (it's school day) i went to school with lots and lots of chocolate,I gave the guy on my class the extras and i put the ones for my bf in a heart box.after school i went to meet him but when i gave and he oppened it,it was all melted!!!fuck!!lol!!!forgot that i was in indonesia which is verry verry hot!!!!!!fuck!!!

my third one was on my japanese school, I totally forgot about valentine,and i assume that my bf back then wasn't into this lovey dovey event,
but on the day before valentine my bf was like "it would be great if i received chocolate this year" and i was like fuck!!!!he wants me to make him chocolate.
so i went home that day but because all of the supermarket was already closed i search in my fridge for some chocolate.but it turns out that the only chocolate that i have right then was the mini tobleron!!!lol!!so i melted the tableron in my oven which burned because i wasn't careful and melted the white chocolate first then the milk chocolate above!!a sandwhich of white and milk chocolate!!genius!!!!
but because i wasn't prepared and didn't bought the place thingy,the chocolate came out as a plain round form!!lol!!and i cut it to a square!!and borrow the gift box that my sister bought last valentine and put it and gave him!!lol!!the chocolate was sooo tiny that he just ate a one full mouth!!

this year!!because of my long distance relationship and it's obvious that i cannot send him a chocolate.i'm gonna surprise him with a  video that i made!!an awesome valentine movie that i am sure it  will make him cry!!lol!!!

hope you all have a good day preparing for valentine's day!!!

ps:it wont be a surprise if he read this.hhmmm,.,.oh well~lol!!



Posted by Unknown on 2:41 AM
hellow girlfriends and guyfriends!!lit's been a while since my last post because i was busy with reports,presentations and exams,.fuih!guess exams are near for you too or maybe you are having exams right now??
anyway,with my experiences as a 21 years old girl who had about 14 years of exams since elementary school, i am today going to write about what to do or what i wished to do when i had exams,the obvious answer would be to study study study,but what else???what else to do or not to do??

-have a good balance between study and sleep,this is a mistake that i do a lot!and many people does it that i think isn't right.many people (including me) studies all night long before an exam.I know that many people like me who prefer to study at night because you are a night person and can concentrate more on your study at night.
this isn't good why??because the day after, yes you would have studied and be more prepared for the exams but you would lose your concentration because of lack of sleep.and even if you do the first exam great because you studied and you don't feel tired or anything,but what would happen to the other exams later on the day?or the day after?i find it different when i studied all night long and when i sleep at night and studied the morning of the day before!or on that morning!
i do not recommend to study all night!

-do not work part time!!especially the day before exams,take a week off if you have to,eventhough you think you can still work and do the exams.do not work.as you all may know working is very tiring and you will get tired on the day of your exams.

-do not drink red bulls,monster,rock star and the like!!do not drink energy drink!!yes you will have the energy boost that you want but what happens next in your second exams?! yes!!you will be drop dead tired!!if you still want the energy boost without being tired how about a black coffee?!or a slap on the face

-another mistake that i do a lot is when i studied for a long hours and then when i thought that i need a rest i tend to open my laptop and browse,or watch tv or play games.do not do those thing above!!what happens next is i will play for a much more longer hours than the hours that i studied eventhough i promised myself to rest for an hour!!this is habit that is difficult to erase since the last time i did was yesterday!lol!!on the day of the exams the only thing that i was thinking was "damn!!that fucking boss was so hard!!"

-when you already studied and when you go the exams start and you received the paper which has questions that you didn't studied or you have no idea what the answer is.just cheat!!lol!!!who wants to take another year??neither you and your techer do?!!use your iphone's google under your desk,look to your front or besides friends paper,make a cheat sheet and glue it to your coca cola drink.but be reeeeallly careful not to get caught.

hope you all have a good day doing your exams,,be carefull not to get sick and tired,good luck on cheating

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