Christmas in Japan

Posted by Unknown on 8:30 PM
hello guys(anyone who is reading this) I know it's been a while since My last post,sorry.I have been busy doing..hhmm...nothing i guess lol!!can't come up with any excuse.

Merry Christmas!!ho ho ho!!
hope you had a blast one!!!!

I spent christhmass at home with my big sister eating chicken and salade but before that day I went to see christhmass illumination.

today i want to talk about christhmas in tokyo since I practically live here.and i have been spending like 5 years of christhmass in tokyo.
Japanese loooovvveee christhmass illumination,but unlike western countries who decorates their own home,in here,they decorates streets and parks.few decorates their home,and if they do it would be pretty simple.

no christhmass tree at home.nope!I think that this is very weird.maybe because the majority of japanese are budha or hindu but they still celebrate christmas,that christmas has become something else.
anyway,there is no shop which is selling christhmas tree (haven't seen one)

celebrate it as a couple!!this is the one that I just can't understand.christhmass were meant to be celebrated with the whole families.but no!they fucking don't.
have you ever heard of christhmass date!they all does it!!so on christmas eve when i get out eeevvveryoone is on a date!!fuck you all!!!!because I can't do it since i'm far away from my bf.

that's all I think,
Merry Christmas!!joy to the world!!!!


the end of the world

Posted by Unknown on 6:35 PM
2012,12,12= the date that the world's gonna end they said.people were saying about maya's calendar etc.even they documented it in Japan's tv!
and what happens when it's past december 12?!
nobody is talking about it!!!!
and what do they do?!
simple!let's just change the date to december 21st!!yeahh right~the fuck?!?!
you all people said it was 12 december and now its 21st?!?!

i believe that all of this is bullshit! from the beginning!no offence. I believe in all "the world is one day going to end etc!"but i know that nobody can know when will it be!!

it's like predicting when the fuck you are going to die!!do we want to?!?!do we need to?!no!!fucking noo!!!

because we are having conversation about world end.i want to share to you guys what would i do when the world is ending.
i would fly over to my bf sides so that we can die together (romantic isn't it?!)but I know that it's impossible to do that.,
so i'll probably do random things llike
-dancing in the middle of the road naked!!
-swearing at everyone that i pass by,or maybe not because then they will kill me,the world is ending and all,but then it's okay coz i'll die anyway)
-give all my belongings to anyone who read this!
-kiss everyguy that i know!and girls!!
-drink until i die!
-punch all my neighbours in the face!!

lol!!got plenty others but think that's about the major one!!

good day to all and hope this is not the end~

ps:i'll probably wouldn't do those things above even if the world is ending lol!!


very confusing day

Posted by Unknown on 4:55 AM
I just had a very hectic day today,today isn't the badest day of my life,I had it worse,but still it wasn't my lucky day either.Yesterday, when i was excited drawing manga (yes i can draw) then a friend of mine texted me
"have you done it?mine is only 800 word"
at first I didn't realised
and then,.

OMGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!I fucking forgot that i had a paper due tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

After panicking for several minutes, i calmed down and i started to write my paper.the theme was simple,it was about american influence to international security issues,so i wrote about TPP because it was the only topic that came to my mind,and i just watched TPP protest on the TV, lucky me!!
it was pretty late
At the begining, I wrote the introduction blablabla and so on.
I explained it using my words,and then, come a time when i was stuck as hell and i have like 700 words more to write!!!fuck!!!!!!
and i opened google and thanks to wikipedia and some news article I was able to smoothly write my report.THANK YOU INTERNET!!!YOUR MY SAVIOR!!!

the next morning, I woke up and got ready for school,I get out of the house and walk to the station.it took 20 minutes for me.and finnaly when i just arrived,i searched through my bag for my train card pass!!!and I Just realised that i left it in my other bag!!!WTF!!!!okay so i stayed calm and search for my purse so that I can just buy the ticket and fucking go to univ!!and,.,.
no purse!!!!
no wallleeetttt noooo moneeeeyyy!!!!!

aaand i just remembered that i also left my wallet in the other bag,baka me!!!!

okay so let's stay calm,.I just had two option back then.the first one is to go home take what i had forgotten and go to school or I just can skip the class and tell the teacher if i can send the homework by email.

and theeen, facing with two hard choices i argued with myself.
I was like, what the heck!!the first class that i am about to go, doesn't have any absences so why should i go??i wouldn't even make it on time!!if my calculation is right (maths isn't my forte), i'll probably arrived 10 minutes before the class finishes.the fuck!!!

and theeen i was like.noooooo!!!! i wrote my paper so hard yesterday,i don't even know the teacher's email address!!!and i look less uglier todaaayy!!!and because it has no absences wouldn't it be alright to be very late and just handout the paper.

after going back and forth listening myself fight with myself.And after wasting time (which i don't have much) I decided to go back home,take what I needed and go to campus.Just like I calculated I arrived when the class was over!!fuck!!!!but i could hand out my paper on due time!!fiuh~~~

it was a very tiring,confusing yet awkward day~hope you too have already experienced this once!!and if you don't or you are about to~
bonne chance!!!!


the best place to

Posted by Unknown on 9:04 AM
the shower room is the best place to think
the living room is the best place to study
the bedroom is the best place to eat
the toilet is the best place to read
the balcony is the best place to smoke



Posted by Unknown on 6:09 PM
one way to start a bad day is to look in the mirror and,big surprise!!!!congrats you just got a zit!!fuck!!

touch it!don't touch it!!touch it!!don't!!

i won't talk about how to get rid of pimples because I know the only way to get rid of it is pimple medecine,a good health and patient!!and if you google it up theres plenty of others treatment,like tooth paste or ice~(the fuck?!)i just don't believe it has any results though,been there done that!!

i don't always have pimples but when i do i have a big,nastyyy zit in the middle of the face.Well,not in the middle, but still!!it's visible!!

under the nose,around the nose,the lips and eyebrow are the danger zone!!which when you have one it really huuurts >_<

i am okay with pimples!!it will go away anyway and it won't hurt nobody~but what i have a problem with is the place where my pimple is!!!
here are my stories:

one day~i had it on the forehead,between eyebrows to be exact and my friend came to me and said "do you came from india?!"in my face!!fuck!!!like having a big zit isn't bad already

another day,i had it under the nose,and my friend(again)said "you've got a nose shit under your nose!!"while laughing!!it's not a nose shit you stupid!!it's a fucking pimple!!!!!!!

another day my bf said to me" it's a little bit red there,is that a zit!!"
of course it iiiiissss!!!what else?!?!don't ask the obvious!!lol!!lucky you were born cute or else!!lol!!love you😘

why don't you guys get it?!? when it's round,bumpy and red or white it's a pimple!!!!!!!!don't act like you never have one or seen one!!

gonna go do something about my pimple


looking forward

Posted by Unknown on 10:19 PM
they said that we need just three things in life: something to do (checked) someone to love (checked) something to look forward to (checked)

anyway~i'm about to do something crazy,scary,unexpected yet thrilling!!and I am sooo excited and looking forward to it!!!
but the thing is,it will happen about three moths from now!!hiks!!>_ Time,please don't run!!fly!!(see what i did there?!lol!yeah i know not funny)

have you ever felt excited,looking forward to something,confused and scared mixing at the same time?!like maybe on your first study tour with your friends,or first time getting on a plane alone?!or meeting your lover?or before your 17 birthday party?!!or buying something expensive unsure if this is really what you need.,

it's suffocating~ it's killing me yet it keeps me alive!!lol!!think i understand how s&m lovers feels like

i was about to write tricks and trips on what to do but i couldn't come up with anything.
any advice??


for guys:what to do when your gf has her period.

Posted by Unknown on 6:03 PM
i will talk about tricks and tips on what to do when you have severe cramps on the next post!!(sorryyy) but now i will talk to you guys men out there on what to do when your gf or somegirl that you know has her period!

girls are majestic strong creatures which happens to have slight changes when we are having our period.just think that we are going into trance or something.

for guys out there,girls who has her period effect her hormones greatly which result in many changes.
we might have:

-extreme mood change!!and i mean extremely mood changes!!our moods are going crazy!!from happy to cry to excited to anger instantly,like snapping a finger!!boom!!
what to do:simple!!be patient and just let us be.it will go away for a day maybe.

-craving for chocolates.
yeeess!!i haven't found why,but girls do crave for chocolate in their period!!so if your girlfriend has her period why not celebrate valentines day earlier?!i'm sure it is also a remedy for the mood change.plus it will show girls that you care about us.(this is very important coz girls are very weak in that time)

-craving for food:yes~i think that because we are losing blood our body is craving on food,simple isn't it.just let us eat and don't worry about the amount we eat!we won't get fat when we are having our period.

-we might get blood stain!!don't panic!!!!!!don't panic like we are going to die.just stay calm and send us home immediatly!!if you are wearing a jacket lend us yours and we'll surely know on what to do.

-we might go to the toilet often! i know that girls goes to the toilet often period or no period.but when it is that time we double the amount of going to the toilet!!
don't get irritated or confused when we go frequently.and don't ask us our business there,don't ask us like "what took you so long?!were you taking a dump?!"lol!!that's kinda rude.just let us be and we will surely tell you if there is something wrong!!

-we might have severe menstrual cramps.this is normal!!don't panic when your gf has cramps!i'll tell you what to do on the next "menstrual cramps" topic that i am about to write.

so thats all for the guys.now you know what to do when your gf or someone you know has her period.and please guys!!never laugh or be disgusted at us coz this is a natural proses if you want us to bear your child!!

for guys out there whom his gf is on her period!!good luck men!!


menstrual cramps

Posted by Unknown on 5:55 PM
yeeesss~the big boss nemesis to all girls that comes every month!!like jenova in ff7 or braska the final aeon in ff 10!!
anyway,!i have tricks and tips to all of you girls who are having severe cramps.,

first of all,the severity of menstrual cramps is different to each girl out there.there are girls who has never experienced menstrual cramps,and there are girls who has severe menstrual cramps that they can't even do anything for the day.I am unfortunately one of them.

I think that the pain also depends on your DNA.my mother and my big sister also has severe pain.so if you're mother is one of the "sever menstrual cramps" then great chances you are also one among the bad luck girls. welcome to the club!!

okay,without further ado here are some tricks and tips on what to do when you have mestrual cramps.

-take a pain killer or other menstrual mede cine!!take it on the first day or when your cramps start!!

-warm your lower stomach.,or lower abdomen with a hot towel or heat pad.heard that it will make the blood to flow easier or something...

-rest!!yup better to forget the pain with sleeping!!don't know why,despite the pain i get very sleepy when i have it!

-do what you love to do,like watch movies,play games read a book!!do something that need your concentration!so that you will forgot the pain.

-massages,massage your stomach or your lower back.ask your bf or relatives to massage your stomach with a heat cream.,hmmm.,.what better medicine than skinship!!lol!!!

-and finally be patient.from my experience i had pain only 1 or 2 days~so be patient and let time do the rest!!!

hope this will help poor poor girls who have their period.



Posted by Unknown on 12:57 AM
you love to drink!!yeah!!so do we!!yeah!!get my bottles!!bring them to me,hold your glasses up!people everywhere,now everybody put your hands in the air and say~ 🎵

whats up with people and hollidays?!everybody around me just came back from their vacation,my bf from jogja (it's in the middle of java island,which has beautifull beachs,and verry cheap and tasty food)and my familly from bali!!the fuck!!!i wanna go tooooo!!!

it's like God is sending me this messages telling me to drop off everything and just go have a trip somewhere!!lol!
as you wish God,if you make it rain money only on my bed i'll definitly go!!make it rain money!!

please?!*puppy eye*

have you ever felt boring on your current life and want to do or go somewhere awesome!!
who doesn't?!except maybe for workaholic people,or some game maniac who likes to shut themselves in their room (me)
anyway,i really wanna go somewhere nice take awesome pictures and be awed !!taste some unique and tasty? food and just have fun without thinking about bills,university,and work!!!!!!!!

but i know if i do that i'll be in a lot of trouble!!
but i do think i deserve this after all the hard work? i have done
but!!but!!but!!buttttttass !

i'm in a turmoil of need and want rightnow.

lets divide it by pros and cons shall we?!
let's start with pros
pros:-stress reliever
-fatigue reliever?!
-i wanna go
-i really wann go?!

lol!!can't think of any!!

cons:- have no money
-spend more money eventhough i have any
-i'll get more stressed when i get back seeing all the bills
-skip classes and maybe will not get credit
-i'll be killed by my parents
-no money (i know i already mentioned it)

it's settle then!!i'll go!!i'll definitily go!!i need to go!!i'm off then!!

to work T_T!!hiks hiks huaaaaaaaa!!!!


creative people

Posted by Unknown on 5:29 PM
creative people are freaking epic species that are able to turn this and this into super awesome that!!!!fuck!

i bet you have already experienced one of your friend's creativity greatness!!when in an art class, and a teacher created a group art, and one of your friend is breaming with unique and original ideas and they are able to make something awesome,without even trying hard!!that's so unfair!!

me and this freaking great species,we are having a bad romance relationship.i do love them coz i admire them,but on the other hand i hate them coz i envy them! fiuh~not easy~even my relationship with my bf isn't this complicated.lol!

i wanna be like theeemm!!!let me,a mere mortal be one of your species!!!please?!

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