for guys:what to do when your gf has her period.

Posted by Unknown on 6:03 PM
i will talk about tricks and tips on what to do when you have severe cramps on the next post!!(sorryyy) but now i will talk to you guys men out there on what to do when your gf or somegirl that you know has her period!

girls are majestic strong creatures which happens to have slight changes when we are having our period.just think that we are going into trance or something.

for guys out there,girls who has her period effect her hormones greatly which result in many changes.
we might have:

-extreme mood change!!and i mean extremely mood changes!!our moods are going crazy!!from happy to cry to excited to anger instantly,like snapping a finger!!boom!!
what to do:simple!!be patient and just let us be.it will go away for a day maybe.

-craving for chocolates.
yeeess!!i haven't found why,but girls do crave for chocolate in their period!!so if your girlfriend has her period why not celebrate valentines day earlier?!i'm sure it is also a remedy for the mood change.plus it will show girls that you care about us.(this is very important coz girls are very weak in that time)

-craving for food:yes~i think that because we are losing blood our body is craving on food,simple isn't it.just let us eat and don't worry about the amount we eat!we won't get fat when we are having our period.

-we might get blood stain!!don't panic!!!!!!don't panic like we are going to die.just stay calm and send us home immediatly!!if you are wearing a jacket lend us yours and we'll surely know on what to do.

-we might go to the toilet often! i know that girls goes to the toilet often period or no period.but when it is that time we double the amount of going to the toilet!!
don't get irritated or confused when we go frequently.and don't ask us our business there,don't ask us like "what took you so long?!were you taking a dump?!"lol!!that's kinda rude.just let us be and we will surely tell you if there is something wrong!!

-we might have severe menstrual cramps.this is normal!!don't panic when your gf has cramps!i'll tell you what to do on the next "menstrual cramps" topic that i am about to write.

so thats all for the guys.now you know what to do when your gf or someone you know has her period.and please guys!!never laugh or be disgusted at us coz this is a natural proses if you want us to bear your child!!

for guys out there whom his gf is on her period!!good luck men!!


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