looking forward

Posted by Unknown on 10:19 PM
they said that we need just three things in life: something to do (checked) someone to love (checked) something to look forward to (checked)

anyway~i'm about to do something crazy,scary,unexpected yet thrilling!!and I am sooo excited and looking forward to it!!!
but the thing is,it will happen about three moths from now!!hiks!!>_ Time,please don't run!!fly!!(see what i did there?!lol!yeah i know not funny)

have you ever felt excited,looking forward to something,confused and scared mixing at the same time?!like maybe on your first study tour with your friends,or first time getting on a plane alone?!or meeting your lover?or before your 17 birthday party?!!or buying something expensive unsure if this is really what you need.,

it's suffocating~ it's killing me yet it keeps me alive!!lol!!think i understand how s&m lovers feels like

i was about to write tricks and trips on what to do but i couldn't come up with anything.
any advice??


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