the end of the world

Posted by Unknown on 6:35 PM
2012,12,12= the date that the world's gonna end they said.people were saying about maya's calendar etc.even they documented it in Japan's tv!
and what happens when it's past december 12?!
nobody is talking about it!!!!
and what do they do?!
simple!let's just change the date to december 21st!!yeahh right~the fuck?!?!
you all people said it was 12 december and now its 21st?!?!

i believe that all of this is bullshit! from the beginning!no offence. I believe in all "the world is one day going to end etc!"but i know that nobody can know when will it be!!

it's like predicting when the fuck you are going to die!!do we want to?!?!do we need to?!no!!fucking noo!!!

because we are having conversation about world end.i want to share to you guys what would i do when the world is ending.
i would fly over to my bf sides so that we can die together (romantic isn't it?!)but I know that it's impossible to do that.,
so i'll probably do random things llike
-dancing in the middle of the road naked!!
-swearing at everyone that i pass by,or maybe not because then they will kill me,the world is ending and all,but then it's okay coz i'll die anyway)
-give all my belongings to anyone who read this!
-kiss everyguy that i know!and girls!!
-drink until i die!
-punch all my neighbours in the face!!

lol!!got plenty others but think that's about the major one!!

good day to all and hope this is not the end~

ps:i'll probably wouldn't do those things above even if the world is ending lol!!


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