very confusing day

Posted by Unknown on 4:55 AM
I just had a very hectic day today,today isn't the badest day of my life,I had it worse,but still it wasn't my lucky day either.Yesterday, when i was excited drawing manga (yes i can draw) then a friend of mine texted me
"have you done it?mine is only 800 word"
at first I didn't realised
and then,.

OMGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!I fucking forgot that i had a paper due tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

After panicking for several minutes, i calmed down and i started to write my paper.the theme was simple,it was about american influence to international security issues,so i wrote about TPP because it was the only topic that came to my mind,and i just watched TPP protest on the TV, lucky me!!
it was pretty late
At the begining, I wrote the introduction blablabla and so on.
I explained it using my words,and then, come a time when i was stuck as hell and i have like 700 words more to write!!!fuck!!!!!!
and i opened google and thanks to wikipedia and some news article I was able to smoothly write my report.THANK YOU INTERNET!!!YOUR MY SAVIOR!!!

the next morning, I woke up and got ready for school,I get out of the house and walk to the station.it took 20 minutes for me.and finnaly when i just arrived,i searched through my bag for my train card pass!!!and I Just realised that i left it in my other bag!!!WTF!!!!okay so i stayed calm and search for my purse so that I can just buy the ticket and fucking go to univ!!and,.,.
no purse!!!!
no wallleeetttt noooo moneeeeyyy!!!!!

aaand i just remembered that i also left my wallet in the other bag,baka me!!!!

okay so let's stay calm,.I just had two option back then.the first one is to go home take what i had forgotten and go to school or I just can skip the class and tell the teacher if i can send the homework by email.

and theeen, facing with two hard choices i argued with myself.
I was like, what the heck!!the first class that i am about to go, doesn't have any absences so why should i go??i wouldn't even make it on time!!if my calculation is right (maths isn't my forte), i'll probably arrived 10 minutes before the class finishes.the fuck!!!

and theeen i was like.noooooo!!!! i wrote my paper so hard yesterday,i don't even know the teacher's email address!!!and i look less uglier todaaayy!!!and because it has no absences wouldn't it be alright to be very late and just handout the paper.

after going back and forth listening myself fight with myself.And after wasting time (which i don't have much) I decided to go back home,take what I needed and go to campus.Just like I calculated I arrived when the class was over!!fuck!!!!but i could hand out my paper on due time!!fiuh~~~

it was a very tiring,confusing yet awkward day~hope you too have already experienced this once!!and if you don't or you are about to~
bonne chance!!!!


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