the awkward moment when...

Posted by Unknown on 10:00 AM
everybody in their life has at least once experienced awkward moment!! i had many of awkward moments and it was pretty embarrassing. So here is my past awkward moments that i want to share it to you guys so that i don't feel all alone.

the awkward moment:
-when someone wave at you,and you wave back but actually they were waving at someone behind you.

-when you say hi to someone who look like someone you know,but it was actually a stranger.

-when you grab the hands of a stranger thinking that it was your friends.

-when you answer loud and proud at a teacher's question with confidence that you were right but actually you're not.

-when you were having an enthusiastic conversation and you're saliva came out.

-when you laugh so hard that you had a pig voice sound laugh.

-when you lied to someone and they said that they knew you were lying right away.

-when you look at a handsome guy,he looked back at you and you look away.

-when you laugh thinking that it was a joke but actually they were questioning you.

-when you meet a friend whom you haven't met for years.

-when you were trying to say a joke but nobody laugh at it.

-when someone saw you recording a video of yourself.

-when you were looking for your iphone but actually you were holding it.

-when your friends point at some other friends about a mistake,and they fight over it but actually it was your fault.

-when you get out of the train,but it isn't yet your stop.

there's many more~
so here is what to do when you have this awkward embarassing moments.
the best way is to just laugh at it!!laugh at it and everybody will laugh at you~hahahahaha
hope you have a good weekend and some funny awkward moment~


japanese psp games that neeeeeddds to be translated

Posted by Unknown on 8:23 PM

God,please forgive me for all the swears that I am going to say.coz i can't express it very well without swearing!

I am in love with my psp!! psp is one of many in my "things that i can't live without"list.I played many games because i do understand japanese.and i think there are a lot of fucking great psp games that fucking needs to be translated.psp gamers over the world are missing too much!!
hope that there are game companies who will read this and translate it for poor psp gamers souls who can't play it.lol!!
so here is a list,comments and contains about fucking great games!

this has a freaking great story!!it's about students who are trapped in a school and they need to kill each other to get out(this is no action) there is a judgement time and your job is to pin point the killer and suggest it to other students.if you are wrong, the killer gets out and all other dies,but if you get it right only the killer get killed.either way everyone dies~fascinating isn't it?!

-genso suikoden tsumugareshi hyakunen no toki
this game has a fucking twisted time traveling story!!the thing is, you need to travel 100 years past back and forth to defeat monsters and to survive!!the ending is epic!!!proud of playing genso suikoden series who always has great stories and great classic rpg combat system!!

-shin ken to mahou to gakuen monotoki no gakuen

the story is a little bit repeated and is a little bit boring but this is recommended for rpg gamers who likes to create their own characters.it has many races and many jobs to choose~

-digimon world redigitize
for those who love digimon series and have already played digimon games.this is a must play.this is not that different but the graphic is great!!

-akiba's trip
this is a fucking great yet hillaaarious game!!your job is to walk Japan's akihabara's street!!and fucking undress your enemy!!!yeah baby!!UNDRESS!!!LOL!!you will need to rip your enemy's shirt off!!they will be embarrassed and run away!!LOL!!this also has multiple ending depend on your event choices!!

-time travelers
lloooooove iiiiiitttt!!toki wo kakeru shoujo is nothing compare to time travelers!!!this also has a fucking twisted time travels story of not only one but many character!!!this is a must play!!!!the graphic is greeeeaaattt!!practically you need to choose on what to to do to avoid death!!the end will leave you all warm inside and maybe you will even cry(just like on it's cm)!!all in all, this game is pure awesomness!!!

-trick x logic
this game is about a bad ass full of sins lawyer who died. the death god ordered him to to solve cases if he want to be revived.this has a unique play game of word strategy!!

fiuh~this took longer than i thought!!hope the company will fucking translate it for us!!gonna go play my psp~


funny video

Posted by Unknown on 11:21 PM
oppa gangnam style~

at first i was like "wtf??why everybody likes this"and theeennn~i can't get the song out of my head!!
oh well~and plus my friends,whenever they saw me instead of saying "hi" they'll go screaming "oppa gangnam style!!!!" the fuck???

anyway, i just had my seminar class today, and two of my classmates  presentated that there are more non native speakers than native speakers.and in the presentation they showed us some funny videos that i think it is worth for all of you to spend about 10 minutes (plus 5 minutes reading this) to watch.

this funny video is about a chinese guy who can imitate 9 countries english accent!!this is a good video to watch for globalized people out there!!and people who came from those countries!no offense!!



police in Japan

Posted by Unknown on 9:58 PM
police in Japan are really weird!!!first of all they just look like normal people in a police suit!!i can't see them as police~they are more like a guard officer than policeman!! they are waaayy tooo skinny with no muscle and some of them are short!!lol!!too different from other countries policeman!!feel like they can't handle anything!!please policemen!!at least work out!!

i think that being a policeman in japan is one of the greatest job!!because you have nothing to do all day.just stay there,make people think that you are watching.And sometime show the road to foreigner.other than that, nothing!!!

I have neither bad nor good image about them!!but there are things that i think i need to complaint!

first of all, when I was in high school.a policemen stopped me when i was riding a bicycle!!yes a BICYCLE!!not a bike,He stopped me because my light batteries run out!!the fuck!!!!!i'm not even riding a bike and it was only 6 pm!!fuck!!! he didin't let me ride my bicycle and i had to walk like an idiot!!
fiiinnnnee~i walked untill he couldn't see me anymore!!craaazzyy!!!

the second time was when i first started college and one baka policemen stopped me because i was listening to music while riding a bicycle(again) !!! really?!?!WTF!!!fuck!!this is sooo twisted!!
okeeeyyy~ so i plugged out my earphone until he couldn't see me no more!!

don't they have anything to do apart from stoping me riding a fucking bicycle!!fuck!!

one time,i saw a dozen!!and i mean a DOZEN policemen asking,not asking,ordering!!! for a poor homeless man to get out of the way!!! once again,WTF!!!!a bunch of lazy butt policemen with nothing to do surrounded a poor man!!why are there so many?!I bet the homeless guy has no energy to even talk!!

pleeeasssee~don't you have nothing to do apart from stoping a girl from riding her bicycle and kicking a poor homeless man!i'm sure there are many criminals who is running killing people because you are too busy stoping innocent and poor people!!!and i don't wanna pay the high taxes for your lazy butt!!!i wouldn't even ask for your help when something happen because i know you lazzy butt would only question me, pretend that you are listening and telling me sweet word with no concern of anything!!

anyway,good luck protecting?? the citizens.and may you have a good day doing nothing sir!!i'm pissed!!



Posted by Unknown on 7:09 PM
last week we had the "how far can you love"topic and a teacher of mine asked me and my friend "are you the jealous type??! i'm not"

how come?!?!nobody in love have never experienced jealousy!!i do think that jealousy is not a bad thing and it is necessary in a relationship.I get jealous because i care!jealousy is like love,it's a feeling!!we cannot control our emotion,we can't choose to be or not to be jealous!!

over jealousy may change us and sometime will end relationships in a very bad way, but still!!we all do get jealous!!
i think that to have a good relationship is how we balance trust and jealousy.as long as you trust your partner more than your jealous than isn't that alright?!being jealous doesn't mean that i don't trust my partner!!and i do get jealous a lot.

so please!!if you don't get jealous than you are not in love like you think you do!!simple isn't it?!



Posted by Unknown on 10:28 PM
I'm feeling super lazy today.my room looks like an earthquake just happened.I really need to do the laundry and no food in the refrigarator.there is so much that needs to be done and my super lazy butt won't even get out of the bed.Have you ever feel like doing nothing for the day?or everyday?lol!!!

today i don't feel like doing anything!dududdudu~

I know that many of you had a super busy tight schedule on the weekday and to compensate it, you feel like doing nothing on the weekend.I do that a lot!!I think I'm having a pretty busy hectic schedule.My life right now is  "campus,work,home.campus,work,home"everyday!!and i feel like i deserve a rest and do nothing.well,I think that it's not a bad thing to sometime stop what you're doing and rest.

but for people like me who likes being lazy.lol!or who rest a little bit too much. these are some tricks and tips on how to overcome your laziness.

-redesign your schedule: a busy schedule is a nono!!!a busy schedule with time to rest in it is a yesyes!!lol!!the need to redesign is to not do needless things and instead rest.this will make a lot better to your mind and body,plus you'll  get healthier this way.

-think about a motivation: think about the reasons why are you doing this.for example if you're too lazy to clean  your room (like I am now) think negative!!"what if a friend comes over??" or when youre too lazy to do the laundry(like I am now) "what if there's an underwear thief,and there's no clean underwear?".or when you don't feel like going to work (like i do now) "What if I'm starving and no money to buy food?how can i pay my credit card bill??)lol!
yes baby~fear is the greatest motivator 

-create a goal : it could be anything!!don't just do something without a goal.I'm sure you'll get tired of it easily!set a goal!!this year i wanna pay my laptop credit~that's a realy fine goal!!lol!!

-stepby step : after setting a goal is to think about the steps to achieve that goal.set a time limit for every steps and think on what to do.

-congratulate yourself : yes!don't be too hard on yourself.treat yourself just like you treat your lover.with gentle and kindness~get yourself to relax once in a while.get yourself a treat and hang out with your friends.just when you achieve one or two step do what you wanna do!!

that's all from me!hope this will help for lazy butts (like i am ) out there.

ps:in case of writing blog i am so not lazy!!


anime that needs to end

Posted by Unknown on 8:11 PM
hello y'all!!!in Japan anime are aired in the afternoon on weekdays,and in the morning on weekend.I love watching anime and read manga~that's the first thing on my "if i don't do this i'll die" list.
but there are anime or manga on which I think there is a need to end it.so here is a list and comments.

-Bleach:this really needs to end.i was a bleach fan before,don't get me wrong!the story was great at the first maybe about 20 volumes,and it gets disappointing at the end!there's so many arch and its repeated!the only thing different is the enemy.it lack ideas and innovation.it gets shitty and it was kicked out from shounen jump!really we neeed an end!!!

-detective conan.I love conan.,and i think it is intriguing.the only problem is that there are too many archs,and are boring as hell.but the main storry are wicked, that it's okay to wait dozens of arch's volume for the main one!!and i really wanna see the ending!is he gonna get his body back?!is he gnna defeat the black organisation?!is he gonna end up with ran or haibara ai?!!lol!!

-doraemon:really?!if you wanna know about elemantary schooler in Japan nobita is perfect for you! okay so~the show started when i was in elemantary and i am here now a college girl.and he is still in elemantry school!the fuck?!

-pokemon: I am sure that takashi has already all the pokemon data in his pokedex!!

thats about the "big ones" I have maaannyy more that i really want to discuss.and i don't think writing on myblog is enough~lol


waking up

Posted by Unknown on 5:36 PM
the more it gets cold, the more it is hard for me to get out of the bed~i don't know if your place is much colder than Tokyo,but that doesn't change the fact that I am freezing here!!!

okay~so~here are some tricks and tips on how to wake up

-get your alarm as far as possible!!and as loud as possible.
don't put your alarm next to you,you'll snooze it in your sleep.(i did that a lot)

-ask someone to wake you up!getting a morning call from a bf or gf is great because than,he/she can hear your soar sexy voice from waking up!!or if your single ask your mom perhaps?

-put a glass of water next to your bed .so you can splash it to your face!!nah~just kidding.I read that drinking one glass when waking up is good because you get dehydrated when your asleep,plus its refreshing!!

-do some short stretches!!if you have no time or you don't feel like it, skip this!!

-drink a hot coffee or tea~it will help you relax before a big day.

-have breakfast before showering!!why before?!because i think it's best to brush your teeth after having a meal,you don't wanna meet someone with bread or cereal between your teeth.

-prepare everything before sleeping,prepare what to bring and what to wear the night before.Especially for girls!!because i know that girls are taking too much time on getting what to wear in the morning!!

in Japan.Japanese are bathing before sleep,they just brush their teeth and wash their face in the morning!!it's kinda weird for me,coz i'm a morning shower person and i think that's kinda disgusting.can't understand what's in Japanese mind.

that's all from me I guess.hope you all have a wonderful morning!!


doraemon museum

Posted by Unknown on 6:19 PM
another doraemon museum tittle post~
so i made it to the doraemon museum yesterday,but before that, i'm gonna write about how did i bought the ticket!

fist i needed to go to any convinience store to buy it (this part is simple) a month before!!yes a month!!can you believe it?!it's not even a freaking concert!!!

next i need to choose the time that i want to enter the museum!we choose 10 until 10.30!!yup!!there's only 30 minutes of gap~the fuck!!

the ticket price is1000yen,about 13$ the last time i checked.And this is a great amount for a broke foreign student in japan where everything is expensive.fuck!!

i was a bit late but the nice girl let me in,yay!!
when i saw the whole museum which i am not allowed to take pictures that's why i cannot show it to you~
i think that it wasn't really worth,it wasn't worth the 1000 yen and the one month wait,and it wasn't worth the 1 hour train!i feel like it wasn't worth it!

the museum was pretty small and there wasn't much things to see~except for the restaurant that serves expensive food for designed meal which has no taste!!

hope the gibli museum is not like this one~


doraemon museum

Posted by Unknown on 4:50 PM
hell yeah!!i'm gonna go to the doraemon museum today!!yay!!!
i planned to go there on this sunny sunday ^_^,

why the past tense?!
because right now i'm late as fuck! and i don't think i can make it!!

why i was late?!
because there were unexpected turns of events and here I am,late~

why the big deal?!
because i bought the ticket that i can only go in between 10 and 10.30!!the fuck!!!and we bought it a month ago!!fuck!!
i need to stop swearing and asking myself~and my tummy hearts(that's not relevant)
when i arrived from taking 1 hours on the train and 16 minutes on the bus,while my stomach hurt as hell!!!and if they don't let me change the time on my ticket!
!i'll *beeeeppp all of you!!! and *beeeeeppp you!!until you *beeeeppp!! mother *beeeepppp!!
why the *beeeeping censor now?!the *beeep!!!

2 hours later


i made it!!!!!yaaaayyyy!!!!


what i don't understand about songs

Posted by Unknown on 9:53 PM
i have plenty of hip hop songs that i just can't understand and i want to share it to you guys who also love r n b . this probably will only make sense to those who are into this genre .i really love the songs,i have in on my iphone and i listen to it all the time,i sometime sing it in the karaoke or in the shower.lol!. but there are many things that bothers me and i just want to share it to you guys hip hop lovers.

katy perry=are california girls really that great?"thinking of you"and the "one that got away" isn't it kind of unfair to the other guy?because you can't get over your lover that died.

chris brown=don't wake me up.it's shitty!the fuck with this song!!he just repeated "don't wake me up"the whole time.okay we get it!we won't wake you up.

alexandra stan,Mr saxobeat=the whole song is great but the part when there's "hmm yeah,hmmm yeah,hmmm yeah"no good.how am i supposed to sing it??lol!!!

rihanna feat eminem,love the way you lie=so you like being lied?really??I won't help you if you get burn.although,i will help you to get burn knowing that you like it and all.lol!

keisha,tik tok =basically your song is about hangover and how bad ass you are.and i love it!!!

adele=all your works are masterpiece!!!!except for rolling in the deep which i don't get it.or am I stupid?

lady gaga=one word=ART

neyo,let me love you until you learn to love yourself=will you stop loving her when she love herself?the fuck!

nicki minaj=we got it, starships are indeed  meant to fly.

justin bieber =i'm not a justin bieber hater neither am i a fan but i only sees him as a narcissistic playboy!lol!because his songs are all about chasing girls!love your songs though and your moves!!

one direction=reminds me of blue,nsync and my brother?!lol!

think that's about all!!don't take all of this to the heart,because it's just me a 21 years old girl talking nonsense!and it's fine if you disagree with me,i won't care.


broken hearted

Posted by Unknown on 8:42 PM
i am not broken hearted right now, neither am i gonna talk about broken hearts.I just wanna talk about the situation when some people close to you who is broken hearted asked you for comfort.and some tricks and tips.

I hate when a friend of mine comes to me and talk when their broken hearted all drama queen and emo.
what do you want me to do??comfort you??swear at your ex??blame it on the situation?tell you that you were the one who's right??tell you that he was a jerk and that you deserve better??tell you that there is many fish in the sea??or  are you asking me out now??lol!

i just don't know what to do!!even if you blablabla tell me about your broken hearts experience,you won't get anything from me!!no!!what i will do though is to tell you how harsh reality is!!did you just got dumped?so what??everybody has experienced broken heart once in their life, and what did they do?they became stronger and more mature!!just get over it!move on!!!

here are some tricks and tips that will make you easier to get over with broken heart.And i am being realistic here.
the first step is to cry!cry a river!!!cry whether your a guy or a girl!!cry your heart out!!if you wanna attention and hugs, cry when there's a lot of people.but if you like solitude better.the bathroom and the toilet is a good place to cry!and is even better if they have mirrors, than you can see your face when you cry!pretty isn't it??

next, think about what you couldn't do when you were in a relationship and do it!!maybe you couldn't go climb mountains because he or she didn't like it?okay,.bad example.,hmm,.,maybe you can go hang out with your friends.you can spent more time alone in the couch watching marathons of the series that you wanna watch but couldn't before. I don't know!just think the things that you couldn't do before and do it!!!

finnally,party time!!!go out!!go meet someone new!go have new experiences!!dress pretty and go to the club.hang out with your friends and go party!!maybe you can try speed date?or online dating?or you can meet someone new when you accidentaly drop stuff and he pick it up for you (nah, that won't happen)
they say that the best way to get over past love is to have new love!!and you won't get new love if you shut yourself and be sorry about yourself!!just learn from past mistakes and move on!

the last tips that i wanna tell you guys and girls with a broken heart out there,is to be patient!yes patience is the key.to move on, it takes times and it's different for everyone.some may get over it for months,some for years and maybe some for seconds.just be patient and let time take all the work.

hope my tricks and trips helps you


needs vs wants

Posted by Unknown on 7:45 PM
who can differentiate between what they need and want?!i can't!!and even if someone can,are they able to live relying only on what their needs?!
one day, a teacher of mine regarding on this topic, asked us class "do you need a cellphone?!"
hell yeah I do!!!!i need my iphone!!what if i get kidnapped?!how can i call the police when there's robbery?!what if someone next to me collapsed?!how can i call an ambulance?!
and then he asked us "what about the internet on your cellphone,do you need it?!"
of course we do!!there's many thing that i don't understand.,and what do i do?!boom!!!google it up!!lol!!and i'm far away from my boyfriend!I don't want to pay trillion yen over roaming!!coz me and him.,we talk a lot!!hell no!!!
and the he said to us "you won't die without a cellphone"
oh no!!!oh nononono!!i'll fucking die without my baby here!!
okay so~even if others won't die without their phone (which i will surely)
are they prohibited of having a phone?!no!!they aren't!
okey so~i have food,water and shelter.,i have all the needs!and what happen if someone has fulfilled it?!
they will buy what they want!!there is no millionaire who only buys food and water!!no!!
and if everybody only buys what they need,the flowing of the money will go bad,economic crisis happens that will worsen the climate change and lead to a world disaster and eventually end of the world as we know!!so if you don't want the world to end,buy things that you want!after having what you need of course!!this topic sucks!!lol


the effort to look good is not for guys

Posted by Unknown on 8:32 PM
girls have make up,clothes,dress,push up bras,fake eyelashes,color eye contact lenses ,hair dye,extension,fake nails etc.we have many things now to make people think that we are good looking!
now.the one point that i want to really tell to you guys is that, girls don't spent hours a day to look great and be ready for neither guys or attention!!no we don't!!we just want to look pretty for ourselves!we just want to look perfect when we hang outside.by looking pretty we become more confident in ourselves and be more positive.
the thing is, the majority of girls love fashion and stuff.girls in Japan do a great effort to look pretty,they buy magasines that has many "how to have a smaller face","how to arrange hair" and make ups tricks and tips.they are many salons for hair extensions and fake nails. and even massage salons to get bigger boobs.We just love those stuff that is why we do it.for example when i get my nails done throughout the day i will sometimes look at my shiny, clean and polished nails and smille at it.it makes me happy!
we are a little bit tricking you guys,coz it is fake.lol.but still we do it for ourselves.And if you find a girlfriend who is tottally different from make up to no make up, than deal with it!!or just you know,have her wear make up when you do it??lol!


nose voice

Posted by Unknown on 9:10 PM
just bought a mac book pro!!!!!yaaayy!!!!♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪
cant wait to do bad ass thing with my new baby! after i get used to it of course!!coz this is my first time~still a virgin.,lol!!
bought it using my own money~
okey~so i was wandering.,where the hell should i start?!this is so different from windows and i really suck at it!! where the heck is the right click?!lol!!options?!ios update?!snow leopard?!kyaaaaa!!!!!(´Д` )
but the one thing that i am confused is how the heck can i move a downloaded picture to a file?!this is so simple maaannn!!!!and i don't know how to do it?every time i move it into another file,and i deleted the one that i downloaded.,it disappears?!?!why?!isn't it a copy?!isn't it a whole different picture?!

ask someone?!no!!!nonono!!cant!!too shy to do it..they will surely laugh at me!!and i'm the type of girl who does it by herself~
this is kinda off topic but i just got the flu today~and my nose is running,i've got a sore throat and i have how do we call it?!a nose voice?!a voice when you get the flu.,your voice gets weird when your nose is stuffy!!鼻声?!oh well.,lets pretend that you know what i'm talking about.,i think it's so damn sexxxyyy!!!!i love it!!wish my normal voice would turn into this~lol!


what great singers had taught me

Posted by Unknown on 8:16 PM
Beyonce taught me to stand up for myself
Christina Aguilera taught me that i'm beautiful the way i am
Adele taught me how to love
Jessie j taught me that it's not all about the money
Bruno Mars taught me that it's okay to be lazy
Lady Gaga taught me that it's okay to be different
Wiz Khalifa taught me that it's okay to be wild



Posted by Unknown on 6:08 PM
talking about addiction,i am addicted to music🎵 where is my drug?!(iphone)

music is like magic✨music is essential in my life!i need music!!!
i don't think that there is any insane people who dislikes it!

music is a very wide topic.,where should i start?!hmm.,

i love every genre,from rock to classic,from rap to r n b.,i love everything except for dangdut (an indonesian music)which i don't consider as one type of music coz its shitty!.
music has the power to control emotions and actions.for example: when you listen to rock you would want to jump and scream!!or when you listen to classic you will feel calm and warm inside.and club music makes you jump and dance!!
in japan,they use music to make people walk faster when they cross the street!(◎_◎;) or is that for the blind people?!lol!



Posted by Unknown on 12:20 AM
there's a bunch of people out there,who when they set their eyes on something that they want, they will do anything to get their hands on it.i have heard that a friend of my sister work his ass off at night and only ate 100 yen fast food everyday for months to buy a new laptop.when he finnaly get it,He brought it to campus and didn't allowed anyone to touch it.lol!!show off!!
many friends of mine works nearly every day to buy clothes,branded bags etc~ I admit it I am one of those bunch of people!and i hope i am not the only one .,lol
I just can't resist the urge to buy the things that i want so badly~one time i surf to every store for a bracelet.crazy?! i know.,,but this isn't all my fault. with the new convenient gadgets and sparkly stuff.,with many commercials every 5 minutes,and poster its really hard to resist .society made us like this.,,yeah~blame it on the media~lol



Posted by Unknown on 2:04 AM
today I confess I'm addicted to apple,.not the fruit one, the mac apple!yes i do love technology gadgets,.it's freaking awesome!!!and i will never get tired of it!!
it's cheating how mac always comes out with new technologies,.new gadgets new apps new things!!!and the word "new "rings so good in my ears!!i just got my iphone 4s and a few months later the iphone 5 came out,.and boom!!i want an iphone 5!!
I don't even need an iphone 5,.I just got my shiny new iphone 4s why would i wanna change it to 5??? it's not even that different from iphone 4s apart from the speed,4g,the size,the weight,the front camera pixels,the google map, hmmm,.,.this is getting nowhere.

and the other thing is i can't understand why they made the ipad mini???i can't,.I just can't,.i mean why??isnt a mini ipad an ipod touch???it just does the same thing but different size,.,if we compare it to a starbuck cofee size it will be like this

short = ipod shuffle
tall = ipod touch
grande = ipad mini
venti =ipad

speaking of starbucks,there's a new drink just came out,.
there's another thing that i don't understand is how come there's so many series for the ipad. there's the ipad, the ipad 2, the new ipad!!the hell???!!it just the same thing!well it's improve but it's still the same!!!
well it's simillar with the iphone. there's the iphone 3g the iphone 4 ,4s and the new 5,.but still the difference between iphone 3g and 5 is big!!really big that it seems like a whole different smartphone!!

all in all,I love every product


tampons vs pads

Posted by Unknown on 11:19 PM
well.,as you all may know.every girl get their period every month.,so i was wondering to every girl do they use tampons or pads?!for me i personally use pads coz I think its more comfortable rather than tampons.,well some girl says that using pads is like pissing in your pants and sitting all over blood.,but we put in tampons in the vagina?!can you imagine it?!isn't it more uncomfortable?!it's like walking while being fucked?!well.,i never use it so i don't know how does it feel~and what about girls that are still virgin?!and what if we put it too deep that we cant pull it out?!lol~
it just bothers me.,think im gonna google it up and learn more.,lol~

Posted by Unknown on 11:03 PM
piracy=illegal download.,does that make us pirates?!



Posted by Unknown on 11:01 PM
wonder why drinking coffee makes my tummy hurt,.but i really need energy boost right now

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