police in Japan

Posted by Unknown on 9:58 PM
police in Japan are really weird!!!first of all they just look like normal people in a police suit!!i can't see them as police~they are more like a guard officer than policeman!! they are waaayy tooo skinny with no muscle and some of them are short!!lol!!too different from other countries policeman!!feel like they can't handle anything!!please policemen!!at least work out!!

i think that being a policeman in japan is one of the greatest job!!because you have nothing to do all day.just stay there,make people think that you are watching.And sometime show the road to foreigner.other than that, nothing!!!

I have neither bad nor good image about them!!but there are things that i think i need to complaint!

first of all, when I was in high school.a policemen stopped me when i was riding a bicycle!!yes a BICYCLE!!not a bike,He stopped me because my light batteries run out!!the fuck!!!!!i'm not even riding a bike and it was only 6 pm!!fuck!!! he didin't let me ride my bicycle and i had to walk like an idiot!!
fiiinnnnee~i walked untill he couldn't see me anymore!!craaazzyy!!!

the second time was when i first started college and one baka policemen stopped me because i was listening to music while riding a bicycle(again) !!! really?!?!WTF!!!fuck!!this is sooo twisted!!
okeeeyyy~ so i plugged out my earphone until he couldn't see me no more!!

don't they have anything to do apart from stoping me riding a fucking bicycle!!fuck!!

one time,i saw a dozen!!and i mean a DOZEN policemen asking,not asking,ordering!!! for a poor homeless man to get out of the way!!! once again,WTF!!!!a bunch of lazy butt policemen with nothing to do surrounded a poor man!!why are there so many?!I bet the homeless guy has no energy to even talk!!

pleeeasssee~don't you have nothing to do apart from stoping a girl from riding her bicycle and kicking a poor homeless man!i'm sure there are many criminals who is running killing people because you are too busy stoping innocent and poor people!!!and i don't wanna pay the high taxes for your lazy butt!!!i wouldn't even ask for your help when something happen because i know you lazzy butt would only question me, pretend that you are listening and telling me sweet word with no concern of anything!!

anyway,good luck protecting?? the citizens.and may you have a good day doing nothing sir!!i'm pissed!!


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