nose voice

Posted by Unknown on 9:10 PM
just bought a mac book pro!!!!!yaaayy!!!!♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪
cant wait to do bad ass thing with my new baby! after i get used to it of course!!coz this is my first time~still a virgin.,lol!!
bought it using my own money~
okey~so i was wandering.,where the hell should i start?!this is so different from windows and i really suck at it!! where the heck is the right click?!lol!!options?!ios update?!snow leopard?!kyaaaaa!!!!!(´Д` )
but the one thing that i am confused is how the heck can i move a downloaded picture to a file?!this is so simple maaannn!!!!and i don't know how to do it?every time i move it into another file,and i deleted the one that i downloaded.,it disappears?!?!why?!isn't it a copy?!isn't it a whole different picture?!

ask someone?!no!!!nonono!!cant!!too shy to do it..they will surely laugh at me!!and i'm the type of girl who does it by herself~
this is kinda off topic but i just got the flu today~and my nose is running,i've got a sore throat and i have how do we call it?!a nose voice?!a voice when you get the flu.,your voice gets weird when your nose is stuffy!!鼻声?!oh well.,lets pretend that you know what i'm talking about.,i think it's so damn sexxxyyy!!!!i love it!!wish my normal voice would turn into this~lol!


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