waking up

Posted by Unknown on 5:36 PM
the more it gets cold, the more it is hard for me to get out of the bed~i don't know if your place is much colder than Tokyo,but that doesn't change the fact that I am freezing here!!!

okay~so~here are some tricks and tips on how to wake up

-get your alarm as far as possible!!and as loud as possible.
don't put your alarm next to you,you'll snooze it in your sleep.(i did that a lot)

-ask someone to wake you up!getting a morning call from a bf or gf is great because than,he/she can hear your soar sexy voice from waking up!!or if your single ask your mom perhaps?

-put a glass of water next to your bed .so you can splash it to your face!!nah~just kidding.I read that drinking one glass when waking up is good because you get dehydrated when your asleep,plus its refreshing!!

-do some short stretches!!if you have no time or you don't feel like it, skip this!!

-drink a hot coffee or tea~it will help you relax before a big day.

-have breakfast before showering!!why before?!because i think it's best to brush your teeth after having a meal,you don't wanna meet someone with bread or cereal between your teeth.

-prepare everything before sleeping,prepare what to bring and what to wear the night before.Especially for girls!!because i know that girls are taking too much time on getting what to wear in the morning!!

in Japan.Japanese are bathing before sleep,they just brush their teeth and wash their face in the morning!!it's kinda weird for me,coz i'm a morning shower person and i think that's kinda disgusting.can't understand what's in Japanese mind.

that's all from me I guess.hope you all have a wonderful morning!!


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