
Posted by Unknown on 10:28 PM
I'm feeling super lazy today.my room looks like an earthquake just happened.I really need to do the laundry and no food in the refrigarator.there is so much that needs to be done and my super lazy butt won't even get out of the bed.Have you ever feel like doing nothing for the day?or everyday?lol!!!

today i don't feel like doing anything!dududdudu~

I know that many of you had a super busy tight schedule on the weekday and to compensate it, you feel like doing nothing on the weekend.I do that a lot!!I think I'm having a pretty busy hectic schedule.My life right now is  "campus,work,home.campus,work,home"everyday!!and i feel like i deserve a rest and do nothing.well,I think that it's not a bad thing to sometime stop what you're doing and rest.

but for people like me who likes being lazy.lol!or who rest a little bit too much. these are some tricks and tips on how to overcome your laziness.

-redesign your schedule: a busy schedule is a nono!!!a busy schedule with time to rest in it is a yesyes!!lol!!the need to redesign is to not do needless things and instead rest.this will make a lot better to your mind and body,plus you'll  get healthier this way.

-think about a motivation: think about the reasons why are you doing this.for example if you're too lazy to clean  your room (like I am now) think negative!!"what if a friend comes over??" or when youre too lazy to do the laundry(like I am now) "what if there's an underwear thief,and there's no clean underwear?".or when you don't feel like going to work (like i do now) "What if I'm starving and no money to buy food?how can i pay my credit card bill??)lol!
yes baby~fear is the greatest motivator 

-create a goal : it could be anything!!don't just do something without a goal.I'm sure you'll get tired of it easily!set a goal!!this year i wanna pay my laptop credit~that's a realy fine goal!!lol!!

-stepby step : after setting a goal is to think about the steps to achieve that goal.set a time limit for every steps and think on what to do.

-congratulate yourself : yes!don't be too hard on yourself.treat yourself just like you treat your lover.with gentle and kindness~get yourself to relax once in a while.get yourself a treat and hang out with your friends.just when you achieve one or two step do what you wanna do!!

that's all from me!hope this will help for lazy butts (like i am ) out there.

ps:in case of writing blog i am so not lazy!!


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