the awkward moment when...

Posted by Unknown on 10:00 AM
everybody in their life has at least once experienced awkward moment!! i had many of awkward moments and it was pretty embarrassing. So here is my past awkward moments that i want to share it to you guys so that i don't feel all alone.

the awkward moment:
-when someone wave at you,and you wave back but actually they were waving at someone behind you.

-when you say hi to someone who look like someone you know,but it was actually a stranger.

-when you grab the hands of a stranger thinking that it was your friends.

-when you answer loud and proud at a teacher's question with confidence that you were right but actually you're not.

-when you were having an enthusiastic conversation and you're saliva came out.

-when you laugh so hard that you had a pig voice sound laugh.

-when you lied to someone and they said that they knew you were lying right away.

-when you look at a handsome guy,he looked back at you and you look away.

-when you laugh thinking that it was a joke but actually they were questioning you.

-when you meet a friend whom you haven't met for years.

-when you were trying to say a joke but nobody laugh at it.

-when someone saw you recording a video of yourself.

-when you were looking for your iphone but actually you were holding it.

-when your friends point at some other friends about a mistake,and they fight over it but actually it was your fault.

-when you get out of the train,but it isn't yet your stop.

there's many more~
so here is what to do when you have this awkward embarassing moments.
the best way is to just laugh at it!!laugh at it and everybody will laugh at you~hahahahaha
hope you have a good weekend and some funny awkward moment~


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